This image was lost some time after publication.

Steven: The thing of it is, in this new internet era, you're damned if you do, you're damned if you don't. One second they're clamoring for the next Indy adventure...
Eddie: Well, no one was "clamoring" for another Axel Foley adventure, per se...
Steven: The next they're accusing you of having killed the franchise. Have you seen Crystal Skull?
[Murmurs of affirmation.]
Steven: I mean, it's not like it's even close to the worst of the four, was it?
[Beat. Crowd noise.]
Eddie: Hustle, Pau!

Sylvester: The way I see it, these characters don't even belong to us anymore. You're just the physical conduit through which these stories need to be told.
Eddie: But does the world really need me sticking more bananas up tailpipes?
Sylvester: Fuck the world!
Steven: Look, Eddie. Don't overthink it. Just make sure the script is in great sha—JESUS CHRIST! Who does a two-time Oscar-winning director have to blow to get a charge called around here?

[Photo Credit: AFP/Getty Images]