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Apple PR has finally come up with an unconvincing explanation for Apple CEO Steve Jobs's all-too-evident skinniness: Jobs was suffering from a "common bug" when he spoke at Apple's WWDC event, a spokesperson told the Wall Street Journal. Spin aside, there's no hiding the fact that Apple CEO Steve Jobs used to have more heft a decade ago. Some continue to worry about his brush with cancer, or an overly strict diet imposed by wife Laurene Powell-Jobs, or a case of manorexia. But it's not like Jobs slimmed down overnight. The ever-shrinking Jobs in pictures, from 1998 to 2008, below.

A healthy Steve Jobs with a bad beard in 1998.

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In 2003, Jobs could have used a "bro."

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Secretly diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2003, Jobs's weight loss was evident in 2004.

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By 2005, he looked healthy again.

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Notice the contrast between Jobs and Nike CEO Mark Parker in 2006.

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By 2007, Jobs's frame verged on I've-fallen-and-I-can't-get-up frailty.

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Jobs during Monday's keynote.

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(Photos by AP/Susan Ragan, Richard Lewis, Mary Altaffer, Alastair Grant, Paul Sakuma)