• An analyst suggests Lehman may be a hostile takeover candidate; a WSJ reporter explains why that's unlikely; and another points out the difficulty involved in selling off its asset management business. [NYP, WSJ, WSJ]
  • The "game of chicken" between AG Andrew Cuomo and Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs concluded yesterday with a settlement that will keep the banks out of court. [NYP]
  • General Motors is officially putting Hummer up for sale. [WSJ]
  • Warner Bros. is planning to make fewer (but more expensive) films. [WSJ]
  • Phil Falcone's Harbinger is expanding its position in Cablevision. [Dealbook]
  • Warren Buffett and Pete Peterson spoke at the premiere of IOUSA last night, a film that argues the U.S. faces economic disaster if it doesn't solve its debt issues. [Dealbook]
  • Russia's biggest steelmaker will buy the Pennsylvania-based PBS Coals for $1.3 billion. [Bloomberg]