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Mayor Bloomberg has revealed that he plans to explore putting wind turbines on top of bridges and skyscrapers in order to develop sources of renewable energy in the city. Bloomberg outlined the plan during a speech in Las Vegas on Tuesday night: "He later evoked the image of the Statue of Liberty's torch, saying he imagined it one day "powered by an ocean wind farm." If the city needs an entire wind farm just to power the bulb in Lady Liberty's outstretched arm, that doesn't bode too well, if you ask us. In any event, since Bloomberg said that both private and public businesses will be asked to participate, we look forward to seeing a windmill planted atop the Bloomberg building in Midtown. Although we should probably also take note of the Times' cautionary closing: "Mr. Bloomberg is known for introducing ambitious proposals that later collapse, as did his congestion-pricing plan for Manhattan." Especially as he only has 500 days to get it done.