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Rudy Giuliani would like you to know he's really, really busy. So busy, in fact, that he hasn't had a single second to reflect on why his candicacy for president imploded. "I have three, four, five things all going on at once," he told the Times over the weekend, mentioning trips to London, Ukraine, Switzerland, Japan and Kazakhstan, his busy schedule campaigning for John McCain, and his efforts to bolster his consulting/security business Giuliani Partners and the law firm where he serves as a partner, Bracewell & Giuliani. But is Rudy really that busy? What happened to all the golf he was playing?

As we mentioned a few weeks ago, Rudy has been spending an awful lot of time hitting golf balls this summer. Records show he spent 11 days on the green in July. Presumably some of the golf outings were work related, although clearly not all. (His wife, Judi Giuliani—who also happens to be a better golfer than the former mayor—joined him for four of the 11 outings.) But he might just be getting back to work. He didn't play a single round during the first two weeks of August. Rudy's golf history below.

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