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Thought you were having a busy summer? Try catching up with Georgette Mosbacher. The Republican operative, co-chair of the RNC finance committtee, and three-time divorcée took off to Egypt in June at the request of Mrs. Hosni Mubarak. In July, she headed with pal Barbara Walters to Syria (which is not a "third world country," she'd like you to know), where she dined with President Bashar al-Assad and his wife Asma. Then it was off to Venice "to join Allison and Leonard Stern aboard their yacht the Lady Allison for a nine-day cruise of the Dalmatian Coast." Barbara and Georgie disembarked in Dubrovnik and headed home. But Georgette was back on the road two days later, heading to Brussels to meet up with General Bantz John Craddock, the Supreme Allied Commander, at NATO headquarters. Then? She headed to Kabul. Seriously.

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Once she got to Afghanistan, Georgette donned a 30-pound combat vest and put a helmet over that bright red head of hers, so she could fly in a Chinook helicopter to a U.S. communications depot at the Khyber Pass. From there, she flew back to Kandahar to board yet another helicopter and fly to a forward camp, all the while guarded by two Blackhawk helicopters. (Your tax dollars at work!) The good news? It was 110 degrees—"the most difficult conditions," says Georgette—and her face didn't melt.

Of course, Georgie made a little time for herself at the end of all this. When she returned to Brussels, "a friend had sent his plane to pick her up and whisk her off to his house in Ibiza for some quick R & R." Now? She's at the Olympics in Beijing. Of course.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation Department [NYSD]