Pick your career poison: Microsoft customer support vs. Yahoo finance intern

Its time for the second match in our single-elimination tournament to find the worst entry-level job in tech. In our first poll, the drudgery of working as a Google online sales and operations manager narrowly edged out the perils of being an Amazon.com support engineer, 53 percent to 47 percent. Today's contest: Getting paid by Microsoft to take angry calls from Vista users all day, vs. fetching coffee in Yahoo's finance operations. Making the contest even harder: If Carl Icahn has his way, both might soon find their paychecks signed by Microsoft CFO Chris Liddell. Vote below.
We estimated Microsoft pays its Windows support professionals $40,000 a year and readers guessed $38,000, but commenter nosaturn1 wrote of our estimate, "pay was alot better than that when i was an entry back in 2000. better by a whole lot more." We figured Yahoo pays its interns about $12/hour or $21,000 per year. Readers figured its a little higher — more like $25,000.
Check out the key responsibilities and read first-hand accounts of both the Yahoo and Microsoft jobs, and then come back here to vote.
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