Jay Leno To Put On Gayest Face At Gayest Event In Gayest State...Tonight!

Everything is truly coming up roses for gay love in California this spring. The state’s gay marriage ban was lifted, Ellen DeGeneres got down on one trousered knee, and tonight, everyone’s favorite homophobic “comic” Jay Leno will put on his gayest face, prove just how much he adores boys who like boys, and attend an actual same-sex group marriage rally. As E! quotes the event’s spokesperson, “He said that he is from Massachusetts and that the sky did not fall in their state when marriage equality became the law of the land there...He wants to impress upon everyone here in California that the sky will not fall here either.” Yes, Jay. The sky will not fall on California, but we some interested parties certainly hope it falls right on top of you. More details on the event (get your fucking tickets NOW!) and the gay community’s reaction, after the jump:
As you may recall, Leno made an ass out of the ass that he already is by forcing Ryan Phillippe to demonstrate his "gayest face" during Ryan's March appearance, leading to apology after ineffective apology. But at the Abbey tonight, Leno will join Katherine Heigl's gay boyfriend T.R. Knight and a whole host of same-sex couplets as they wed and rally in support of the Gays' Best Year Ever. Our minds are already being blown just imagining what on Earth Leno will wear. Will he pull a Rudy and attend in full-out Monroe drag? Pull a different kind of Rudy and don fishnets and a silk codpiece? Or will he stand firm and make absolutely sure his flyover state fans don't confuse him for one of those people and show up in his Eagle-friendly manly motorcycle ensemble of denim button-down, denim jeans and well-worn cowboy boots? More importantly, will Sexiest Vegetarian Kevin be his date? Yes, our mind has officially been blown.