Our hats are off to the merciful executives who refuse to give up on The Moment of Truth—Fox VP of Satan-Delighting Alternative Programming Mike Darnell's sluggishly paced, polygraphic game show. Week in and week out, it drags itself into the dugout and attempts to deliver on the life-destroying promise it showed at Reality TV spring training, but rarely does it succeed. At best, as in last night's episode, we come away with the mild satisfaction of knowing that things will forever be uncomfortable between that week's featured nymphomaniac and the best friend she's doesn't think will ever have a professional recording career, but has often considered fucking.

Still, when relieved of long-winded pontificating by host Mark Walberg and its stammer-afflicted Truth Bot—as in the promo montage above—what we get is nothing short of mesmerizing television, as "party girl Leanne Patrovsky" is forced to face-up to the one-night-stand she accidentally ran over during one of her messier benders before an audibly appalled, yet visibly delighted America.