Report: Lindsay Lohan Crying Over Lost Lesbian Tell-All Dollars

Reports circulated yesterday claiming that OK! magazine was prepared to pay Lindsay Lohan the tidy sum of $1 million in exchange for the lesbian-starlet-romp world exclusive, "How A Tomboy DJ Named Samantha Ronson Opened Me Up to the Pleasures of Girl-On-Girl Eroticism and the Catchy Rhythms of LeTigre"— an offer the noted actress and furnapper was reported to have turned down. Now, an anonymous "source close to the [Lohan] family" suggests to The Scoop that Lohan may be second-guessing her decision:
According to a source close to the family, Lohan is afraid this news might jeopardize future exclusives, which is bad news because she needs the cash. [...]
Lohan does not have any significant work lined up and is aware that her star has fallen considerably, said the friend. “She can’t believe Britney Spears got so much attention for ‘How I Met Your Mother’ and no one cared that (Lohan) was on ‘Ugly Betty.’ "
It's been a while since we've consulted Pia Zadora's little-known industry handbook, The Shock-Starlet Almanac: How To Maneuver the Ups and Downs of a Life in the Camera's Eye, but we're pretty sure there was a chapter in there detailing what to do once your celebrity tabloid payday opportunities start drying up: Retreating for a decades-long journey of personal growth, and all the while doing one's best not to be fined for inciting racial hatred in pursuit of slaughtered cattle's rights.