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In one of those patented "prove any thesis with the right selection of quotes" pieces, Page Six mag would like to remind you that the economic downtown is not just bad for your bank balance, it's also bad for your waistline. You see, regular personal training sessions and expensive memberships to pilates studios were preventing many New Yorkers from turning into big fat tubs of lard, but tighter budgeting is putting the squeeze on such luxuries. Darren Spedale, for example, is an investment banker whose bonus (please have a Kleenex at the ready) has been cut by 20%, so he can only pay for the basic membership at Equinox. The ignominy! At least some people have their priorities straight, like a 31-year-old freelance copywriter who lives in Brooklyn, who's planning to put her personal training sessions on a credit card. "I think being fat is probably worse than ­being in debt," she says, neatly symbolizing our fair city's manifesto.