• The Daily Mail takes a nice long look at why Jodie Foster left her lesbian partner of 15 years, and sets the stage with his description of lesbian Los Angeles: "the words 'mid-life crisis' were heard being whispered over expensively whipped hot drinks and wholemeal muffins in fashionable coffee shops across Hollywood." (Photo via Daily Mail)
  • Page Six would like you to please be outraged that this hedge fund manager is unable to renew his Knicks season tickets because they were in Tom Brokaw's name. What's outrageous is that there isn't a phone recording or something where we can listen to the plutocrat lose his precious seats. [P6]
  • Kirsten Dunst said she did not check into the no-doubt-pricey Cirque Lodge rehab facility in Utah over drugs, but instead went there to cure her depression. Her depression about being out of drugs, maybe? [E!]
  • Rob Lowe's ex-nannies are pissed that the actor is no longer suing his ex-chef, because now maybe the chef will testify against them in their sexual harassment case. Lowe had accused the chef of having sex with strangers in his bed and stealing from his medicine cabinet, but apparently it was all just "a big mistake." Just your run-of-the-mill false accusation.
  • I'm trying to imagine thousands of French people shouting "Are you talkin' to ME?!" at Robert De Niro. [P6]
  • Always, always bear in mind "the violent propensity of the inebriated Eddie Griffin." [TMZ]
  • Woody Harrelson is going to starve himself for 40 days on a remote island in order to "see how it affects his brain." [Hollyscoop]