Alanis Morrissette is gorgeous and genius, if a tad needy, and her ex Ryan Reynolds is a vapid lump of bad actor who never deserved her. Which is why what happened at her listening party the other night is so awesome. "'Every time I go through something difficult, I think, this is the mother load. I'm not going to get through this one,' Alanis Morissette said last night during an intimate performance in New York. 'And then six months later I'm like, what's his name again?' And with that, the journal-spewing Queen of '90s Rock quashed any rumors that she was heartbroken over her ex-fiancé Ryan Reynolds' recent engagement to Tom Waits admirer Scarlett Johansson."

Everyone in the audience got all happy and shouty when she said that. Yeah, I was there. I love Alanis Morrissette. Is that a problem? [Rolling Stone]