Apparently Justin Timberlake and Madonna’s time spent collaborating in the studio was far from the sexy joy ride in needle park we originally envisioned. As Timberlake tells the altar-bound Ellen in this clip, the pair actually spent most of their time butting their beautiful heads over song lyrics. As surprised as we were to learn that either one of them actually writes their own lyrics in the first place, we were just as unsurprised by Timberlake’s continuous failed attempts to prove how funny he can be without cue cards. Sounding both desperate for a laugh and downright mean for daring to put down the vocally challenged but still iconic Madonna, we think the trouser snake should give up his comedy routine schtick for good.

In case you haven't yet had the listening pleasure, Timberlake and Madonna finally unveiled one of their much-talked-about singles, a catchy little pelvis-thruster called 4 Minutes. And as much as we actually like the song, we have no idea what they're singing about — something about how there are only four minutes left on Earth and they can only save it by banging each other, we think? And judging by Timberlake's confusing story about his interpretation clashing with Madonna's, we suspect he hasn't a clue what the song's about either. We're just thrilled to hear that Madonna straight up and told him she didn't care for the things he writes about. Though we do suggest she give that "Britney Spears Cheated On Me And I'm Sad" classic another try; we think she'd take great joy in cackling as Timberlake cried himself another river or two.