Jews and Tattoos: Your Grandmother Lied

Someone at the New York Times is clearly keeping up with the British media, where there hasn't been a single features department in the past week that hasn't tackled the trend piece du jour: Everyone's got tattoos! The Guardian served up a piece about how chicks can be tattoo artists too. (Glad they cleared that up!) The London Times revealed—shock!—that lots of celebrities have tattoos? For its part, the Telegraph took the opportunity to remind readers that body art isn't usually all that clever and you'll probably end up regretting it. But Kate Torgovnick at the Times outdoes everyone with her Styles piece about Jews and tattoos, which explodes the widespread myth that you can't be buried in a Jewish cemetery with tattoos:
...the edict isn't true. The eight rabbinical scholars interviewed for this article, from institutions like the Jewish Theological Seminary and Yeshiva University said it's an urban legend. It was most likely started because a specific cemetery had a policy against tattoos. Jewish parents and grandparents picked up on it and over time, their distaste for tattoos was presented as scriptural doctrine.
So, tattooed Jews like Joanna Angel (above), Howard Stern, and Amy Winehouse can breathe a sigh of relief and look forward to a cosy sacred burial (notwithstanding the much greater offense God has probably taken at their life choices), while tattoo artists can expect a nice boost in business from all the chosen people who were needlessly deterred before!