Dan Loeb Wants to Help the Anorexics of America

You didn't think Dan Loeb had a heart, did you? Not withstanding the hedge fund mogul's rep for writing vicious letters to CEOs and otherwise terrifying underperforming management teams, Loeb likes to give a couple of bucks to charity from time to time, too. At least he was good for $778,615 in 2006. Where did the money go? He gave 100K to the Jewish Enrichment Center and 75K to the Michael J. Fox Foundation. The public radio station WNYC wasn't as lucky: The billionaire gave the non-profit $100. The one-time ladies' man does, however, seem to have a bit more sympathy for young anorexic women: Loeb made out a check for $250 to the National Eating Disorder Association. The entirety of his charitable activities for 2006 after the jump.