• Dow Chemical will acquire rival specialty chemicals company Rohm & Haas for $18.8 billion, in a deal financed by Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway and the Kuwait Investment Authority. [Reuters]
  • Viacom overlord Sumner Redstone is making it very clear (once again) that his daughter is not in line to take over the media giant, telling CNBC's David Faber that Shari "isn't qualified." [NYT]
  • Wachovia has named fomrer Treasury Undersecretary Robert Steel its new CEO. [Forbes]
  • Steve Wynn is considering a secondary listing for his casino/hotel company in Hong Kong, which could raise as much as $3 billion. [MarketWatch]
  • Bloomberg LP is restructuring and dividing the company into three units; Merrill Lynch is still debating whether to sell its 20% stake in the company. [Reuters]
  • Jon Sandelman's Sandelman Partners has restructured its master fund and told investors that, sorry, they can't have their money back anytime soon. [WSJ]