Plastic Surgery Tourists Hit New York

We could just about cope when British people were colonizing the West Village, infiltrating the media, and seducing our musicians, but this is much, much worse: Now they're commandeering our plastic surgeons! The WSJ reports that the weak dollar and the high price of surgery in Europe has led to an influx of patients from the UK, who combine affordable facelifts and nosejobs with shopping and vacationing:
Some U.S. plastic surgeons are promoting themselves through in-flight magazines read by international travelers. The New York Eye and Ear Infirmary in Manhattan, one of the U.S.'s oldest specialty hospitals, is preparing to launch a marketing campaign in London. The initiative is "capitalizing on the value of the dollar" as well as a recognition that New York is "very much a destination," says Allan Fine, a hospital vice president.
So, now you can not only blame the British for sending us Simon Cowell, it will also be their fault when nipped-and-tucked socials can't get a quick appointment with the doctor of their choice.