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We don't know if you've heard of this new DJ/music producer, Mark Ronson: He's totally under the radar, and is very rarely photographed or gossiped about, let alone spotted schmoozing with different celebs each night of the week. There haven't been any newspaper or magazine profiles written about him (nor about his sisters, two reclusive and prim young ladies named Samantha and Charlotte) so thank goodness a UK Times journalist had his finger sufficiently on the pulse to suggest something radical to his editor: An interview with the attention-shy, self-effacing young man himself, so that the world can finally hear about him and his work.

There are some choice (but totally non-namedroppy!) revelations, too:

He's just like you: He enjoys barbecueing on a sunny weekend, especially when a neighbor pops over. Oh, aren't your neighbors famous? How boring for you. Mark's is Justin Theroux, who in case you didn't know is a "brilliant actor/writer. He's been in a couple of David Lynch films and has now written this great new action comedy, Tropic Thunder.'"

He's a hero of fashion, but not in a gay way: "Who else cares enough to wear seersucker in a light colour? It's just me and Tom Wolfe, I think."

Family is so important to him that he interrupts the interview to drop off a birthday gift with his half-sister Henrietta. What did he get her? Glad you asked, because Lily Allen came to the rescue! "Lily's really good and sweet like that. She said, There's this cool bag and I'm calling Chanel right now. Just drop by and pick it up!'" See, drunk pops stars have their uses.

And as for Mark's mother, Ann Dexter-Jones, he'd like it to be known that, despite evidence to the contrary, she is not a relentless social climber: "She's written about as someone who's constantly networking. But she's not. She's just extremely well liked. She arrived in America as the new wife of this rock 'n' roller, my stepdad and I think it was the fact of her being a very English, quirky, smart and stylish young woman that helped her become big on the scene there." Glad to have that clarified! Consider our prejudices a thing of the past.

Mark Ronson on Amy Winehouse, Daisy Lowe and growing up [Times UK]