The Exciting Future of Elevator Entertainment
You know those LCD screens in office building elevators? The ones that deliver a few news headlines and the weather forecast, along with stream of ads since your eyeballs aren't inundated with enough commercials during the course of the day as it is? One of the largest companies in the industry, Captivate, announced they'd be "extending" the news experience to your desktop, just in case those snippets of info don't quite satisfy your desire to remain up-to-date on world affairs. Yes, the company that doesn't actually "captivate" but just takes advantage of captive audiences is now going to try and, well, captivate us!
Captivate is launching a collection of blogs so you have something to read when you leave the elevator and settle in behind your desk. And they're written by Captvate employees, too! The nerdy IT guy obsessed with Star Wars? He's got a film blog. (It's called People Tell Me I Look Like Hans Solo.") Oh, and the girl with the long fingernails and big hair who gabs with her girlfriends on the phone? She has a beauty blog! Now all we need is Frank in accounting to start a finance blog and we'll be all set.
Captivate Network to Program Elevator Content to Desktops [Mediaweek]