The Fabulous History of Ganja

Tomorrow is 4/20, when dirty hippies, stoners, burnouts, and all of my friends celebrate their precious, precious weed. But how much do you really know about this deadly commie herb? Did you know that in 19th century Nepal it was harvested by naked dudes running through the flowering fields until they were all sticky and then they'd have the goo scraped from their naked nakedness to make hash? Well, did you?!
When not writing boring-ass Little Women, Louisa May Alcott penned (quilled?) a short story called "Perilous Play" in which one character announced, "If someone does not propose a new and interesting amusement, I shall die of ennui!" So some helpful soul busts out the pot bon-bons. These and other helpful marijuana facts are available at your local library. Or, at The Chicago Tribune.