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The silly feud between MSNBC's Keith Olbermann and the Post's Page Six continues. Today the paper reported that Olbermann threw a hissy fit because he didn't get first class transportation to Washington for Tim Russert's funeral last week and then blew a gasket because there was no ketchup at the reception at the Kennedy Center. Nevermind that the Olbermann didn't have lunch at the Kennedy Center and there isn't even a first-class option on the train, the move delivered the predictable result: yet another Page Six staffer—Corynne Steindler—ended up on Olby's "Worst Person in the World" segment last night. As was the case last week, the Post called Olbermann for comment before the paper went to press and before Keith went on the air. Perhaps the next trick should be to call him for comment on some typically insane item before airtime and then not run the item the next day? He might start to look paranoid!