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Fashion publicist Kelly Cutrone, the founder of People's Revolution and the black-swathed bitch on The Hills, isn't known for being particularly lovable. She bans from shows people who dare to bad-mouth her clients and will have you escorted to the door in a heartbeat if you dare approach Anna Wintour to try and ask a question without first clearing it with her. And she's never been afraid to take her claws out. ("I would never rep Versace, I can’t stand her, I think she makes disgusting clothes.") But who knew she had such a sweet romantic life! The former assistant to Susan Blond and erstwhile Warhol scenester has much to keep her busy at her Soho loft.

  • Cutrone lives with her 6-year-old daughter, Ava, whose father is Italian and who she met after leaving her second husband.
  • She also lives with a 7-year-old Native-American girl from a reservation in South Dakota that she took in.
  • She lives with a male model named Demian, who is from Argentina and whom "she met while casting a fashion show in Mexico City and brought back to New York on a visitor's visa."
  • She also has a boyfriend, a music producer Jimmy Boyle, who lives in Los Angeles.
  • One of her ex-husbands, artist Ronnie Cutrone, still occasionally sleeps over at her house.

At least we know that her malevolent personality has nothing to do with a lack of, uh, action.

Dark Angel of The Hills [Observer]