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The New Yorker profiles Keith Olbermann this week, MSNBC's fast talkin' resident Bill O'Reilly basher and the third-place cable network's brightest star. Among the juicier revelations: Olbermann suffers from Wittmaak-Ekbom syndrome or restless leg syndrome, which makes him "jumpy"; when he was younger he "bumped his head while leaping into a subway car," an accident that "permanently upset his equilibrium" and has made it difficult to drive or fly; and most of the people who have worked with him despise him, including a former ESPN colleague who says his antics made her run to the bathroom and cry. As for Keith's own boss, Phil Griffin? Even he can't resist describing the blowhard commentator as a "jerk" and "difficult and brutal." If this piece were about anyone else, we're pretty sure it'd serve as the basis for one of Olbermann's "Worst Person in the World" segments.