• Singer Paul McCartney's ex Heather Mills was awarded $49 million after four years of marriage. The blog Knife Tricks estimates that's $43,000 per screw — way, way more than so-called-high-priced whore Ashley Dupre ever charged. Apparently Mills wanted even more.
  • Ex-Beatle McCartney can pay since he basically sweats hundred-dollar bills — he's worth around 387 million pounds, which is like a billion trillion worthless American dollars. [Sun]
  • Do NOT ask Lindsay Lohan to pose in front of Paris Hilton accessories! The Mean Girls star and Hilton rival will throw a "fit." [Daily News]
  • Do NOT compare Sarah Jessica Parker to a horse and call her the unsexiest woman in the world! The Sex and the City star will fill with rage and anger. Her husband Matthew Broderick will question his sexuality. [P6]
  • Like gullible actor Will Smith, talk show host Oprah Winfrey does not mind financial involvement with crazy Scientologists: She signed a deal with TV star Kirstie Alley and might give Alley her own show. Might? Is Alley going to produce, like, a poignant and unexpected Founding Father biopic instead?
  • Singer Britney Spears in How I Met Your Mother TV cameo: "Can't we have sex and then go shopping?" Ironic because: Spears ex Adnan Ghlaib now saying he never had sex with Spears, pitied her. [Sun]
  • Spears is back into Kabbalah, allegedly. [X17]
  • Singer-junkie Amy Winehouse was offered either $1 million or one million pounds to perform in front of Vogue editor Anna Wintour and movie stars George Clooney and Julia Roberts at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Or she wasn't.
  • Halle Berry's baby daughter is called Nahla Ariela Aubry. Nahla is an Arabic-derived word meaning "honeybee." In modern English it means "destined to be so very hot." [P6]
  • Model Kate Moss licked her rocker boyfriend's neck and stuffed a bottle of wine in her handbag after a "boozy" lunch. Paris is awesome. [Sun]