Tina Fey Would Like To Take You Home With Her
30 Rock producer and star Tina Fey has two Emmys, a Golden Globe and a baby delivered during a 43-day maternity leave from her last job, head writer for Saturday Night Live. She is all of 37 years old so of course she's racing to ensure she doesn't end up an impoverished failure, or at least that's what she said in Parade magazine this past weekend. "I'm here laboring over this tiny show so much, and around me people are making money by the fistful," Fey said. To squeeze producing, acting and parenting into one life, Fey takes her work home with her. "We wrap shooting on a normal day by 7 p.m.," Fey told Parade. "Most times, I then bring three or four writers home with me. I'll put Alice to bed before they come over, then we continue writing until I can no longer stay awake." Fey once woke up in the morning to find writers in her living room, still at work. Slave driver! But, honestly, who wouldn't line up for the chance to come home with Tina Fey, even if it involved grueling laptop work? After the jump, an excerpt from the Ask Tina feature on NBC.com, in which Fey reveals how inviting people home is a deeply-ingrained writing strategy for her: