As the great Karl Marx said, history repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce. It's a saying that applies quite perfectly to the recreation, by the sad old Village Voice, of a cover of New York magazine which was itself a recreation of a famous set of photos of the actress, Marilyn Monroe. New York's notorious cover featured a naked Lindsay Lohan, a troubled actress who's modeled herself on Marilyn Monroe, and was taken by the same photographer who captured the drug-addled mid-century star so shortly before her death. Village Voice's model? The faded weekly's 52-year-old gay gossip columnist, the owl-like* Michael Musto, whose natural shyness is only overcome by the sheer force of his desire for exposure. After the jump, an original image of Marilyn Monroe, framed by New York's cover, and this week's Voice.

* In an earlier piece, we described Michael Musto as frog-like. He prefers to be known as "owl-like". Our apologies.