• Jennifer Lopez turned to Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes for advice on her baby twins, probably after being introduce by close Lopez buddy and crazy Scientologist Leah Remini. So singer Lopez now has a masseuse and trained color therapist specifically for the kids, six new bodyguards for $600,000 and closed-circuit cameras in every room. Also, for that extra touch of crazy, Lopez built a "sterile" baby wing uncontaminated by flowers or presents, filled with relaxing music and painted in "intelligence boosting" colors.
  • Adnan Ghalib, the former Britney Spears boyfriend who just had an iPhone-destroying fight with the singer, has allegedly moved on to a new squeeze. She is a Los Angeles waitress, pictured in the Sun, whose name "Amanda Pagel" is even less important to you than Ghalib's just became. [Sun]
  • Spears' parents are scaring her, which is probably a good thing because they somehow got her notice that large piles of her cash are on fire. She got still more time with her sons.
  • In Paris, singer Amy Winehouse's fans surprise everyone with their "nasty" rowdiness, which included breaking bottles, probably to stab each other with. Winehouse, meanwhile, said she would like to play your wedding or Bat Mitzvah. Actually, even Winehouse admitted she'll probably ruin your wedding, and not just by hogging all the drugs. [Sun]
  • More sexy Angelina Jolie St. John's ads. [Sun]
  • California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger flew all the way to Ohio to "accidentally" bump in to Democratic presidential candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, but they never showed up at the "Arnold Sports Convention" convened in his honor. So Schwarzenegger rudely stormed out of his hotel as his thugs screamed at hotel guests. [P6]
  • After laudably donating $1 million to a United Nations food program, actress Drew Barrymore told TV talk show host Oprah Winfrey about how medicine doesn't work unless you are alive: "Food is the basis for everything... I didn't understand that in order to take the AIDS vaccination medicine you have to have the food in order for your system to handle the medicine." Stunned by this wisdom, Cameron Diaz called in to Oprah right that second and said, "I'm so proud of you Drew for doing this and informing people." Everyone cried, but not all for the same reason. [Showbiz Spy]