Teenaged actress Leven Rambin's latest Page Six Magazine column is clearly designed to terrify competing proto-starlets, at least according to a summary sent in by an email tipster. Rambin said she's putting together a debut album, on which she does at least some rapping. "I have about five careers — soap opera actress, model, singer, fashion designer, writer," Rambin writes. How does she do it all? Powerful friends and, uh, NOT seeking attention.

Leven gravitates to older friends like boyfriend Hud Morgan of Men's Vogue, ex-boyfriend Jakob Lodwick and the array of names on this handy chart. She also is careful to stay away from other teenagers, since according to her Page Six Magazine column they don't "have anything to talk about" since they don't "get to go to movie premiers and fashion shows and fly out to Los Angeles for movie roles."

So what does Leven do when she gets called out for social climbing?

"You have to be prepared for people to call you a man-eater or a publicity seeker," Rambin said. "I don't understand the perverse fascination with my life".

Don't worry about it, Leven. "Publicity seeker" is just one of those nasty slurs people throw at television stars who cut rap albums and write gossip magazine columns about their fabulous lives. The more you deny wanting attention, the closer you get to becoming the next Lindsay Lohan.

(Photo: WENN)