Forty people (twice as many as originally thought)An iVillage spokesperson "can confirm for you that 13 employees were affected today" by layoffs at the NBC subsidiary, not the larger number we reported earlier based on employee accounts. "Nobody saw it coming," an insider told us. Editor-in-chief Jennie Baird, who was hired away from AOL in April to helm the women's content company is among the victims, according to a source. The sneakiest part we're hearing though, is how NBC may have enticed iVillage employees to move to the network's New Jersey location. "These people were good enough to agree to go to hell (aka Englewood Cliffs) and they got canned," we were told. "Many of them were promised bonuses to move...but they had to stay until Dec. 2008. Big bonuses. 20% of their salaries." If we could think of a less-offensive term than "indian-giver" for NBC, we'd use it, but we totally can't!