How can journalism schools encourage the entrepreneurial instincts of would-be journalists? The University of Southern California's Online Journalism Review wants to know, and I can think of no answer except this: close. Maybe you'll be more constructive. Questions, after the jump. I'll forward the best of your responses.

Hello Nick,

I am putting together a piece for with advice for journalism schools in how to approach entrepreneurship, given the collapsing traditional business models for journalism. As part of my piece, I'd like to get your thoughts on four relevant questions:

1. What aptitude should journalism schools be looking for in the students that they recruit and admit, in order to improve the odds that some of their graduates will find success as news entrepreneurs?

2. What knowledge should journalism schools be attempting to impart upon their students to enable their entrepreneurial ability?

3. What practical skills and experiences should journalism schools be providing their students in order to test their entrepreneurial abilities?

4. Is there anything that journalism schools are doing now, in student selection, curriculum, training or attitude, that is standing in the way of preparing students for entrepreneurship?

Feel free to answer a few or all of these questions, at any length you feel appropriate. I'd like to put the piece together by the end of the week, so any response by then would be warmly appreciated.

Thank you very much for your time,

Robert Niles
Editor, USC Annenberg Online Journalism Review