Idiot Racists Proclaim "Canadian" Is the New "Nigger"

Dumbass American rednecks have finally caught on that racism and the use of ugly racist terms to call black people might no longer be palatable to the American ear. This presents a dilemma since for some white Southerners (and others), racism is bred into their bones. Hating minorities and verbalizing that hatred is as integral to their person as breathing or ignorance. To be prevented by societal mores and well, decency, from using words like "nigger" is akin to lopping off their mullets, a Samsonian emasculation. Thankfully they are also xenophobic so a quick linguistic fix wasn't that hard to find.
According to the National Post, "Canadian" has apparently become a code word for blacks among American racists." How did this neologism come to light? From a memo from a Houston, Texas distict attorney sent to his staff after a jury had imposed a heavy sentence on a drunk driver despite the fact that "some Canadians on the jury [were] feeling sorry for the defendant." There were no Canadians on the jury, the Post wryly notes. There were, however, some African-Americans. [NP]