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  • Lehman Brothers is reportedly looking to raise capital (yet again) to shore up its balance sheet. The grim news sent the stock down 8% this morning, and likely ruined Dickie Fuld and Erin Callan's day. [WSJ, AP]
  • Ken Thompson will have plenty of time to hit the links with Stan O'Neal and Chuck Prince. The Wachovia chief has been ousted amid the mortgage meltdown. [WSJ]
  • Dick Grasso's case will be heard before an appeals court today, and he may get his massive payout after all. Perseverance pays off! [NYT]
  • Wall Street compensation is on the decline. Porsche dealers quietly weep. [Dealbreaker]
  • Say goodbye to Kinko's. Parent company FedEx is bumping the brand name in favor of the much cooler "FedEx Office." [Bloomberg]
  • Tiffany & Co. reported solid earnings today. Nope, Americans aren't spending more on silver heart necklaces. Euros and Asians get all the credit. [AP]
  • Rising gas prices and declines in auto sales? Not such good news for Sirius and Mel Karmazin. [WSJ]
  • To the surprise of many, foreclosures are hitting the Hamptons. [Newsday]
  • The Freedom Tower has its first tenant. A Chinese real estate company, Beijing Vantone Real Estate Company, will occupy floors 64 through 69. [NYT]