The company jet to a private airport outside London, and a helicopter into the city: Bloomberg's tyrannical editorial boss Matthew Winkler is traveling around Europe in style. (Now he's at the World Economic Forum, with his peers in Davos, Switzerland.) Before one disapproves of private air travel on well-served transatlantic routes, a pause: for the financial information company's bad-tempered executives, a discreet jet is not so much a luxury as a necessity.

Winkler of course is famous for his abuse of subordinates; the temper of his purple-suited boss, Lex Fenwick, has sometimes been taken out on airline staff, according to Bloomberg lore. After one particularly noteworthy incident of air rage, the then-CEO of British Airways had to explain to the information giant's billionaire owner, Michael Bloomberg, that the airline no longer wanted Fenwick as a passenger. (Um, question: if the New York mayor and possible presidential candidate is such an awesome manager, how can he pick so many bad ones?)