While no one thought he would fully disappear, for a while in late 2007 it seemed Aleksey Vayner had faded away. Earlier in the year, the inaugural inductee into the Gawker Hall of Fame had been severely mocked for his fabulist and fabulously hubristic video resume. And then he went deep underground. But 2008 smoked him out whatever anonymous labyrinth in which he sought refuge. And now, on his new website he's flying dangerously close to the sun once again. Though he admits he "received his share of mockery from kids in the bloggosphere," he still wants you to know he can bench press 520 lbs.

Aleksey Vayner first received international publicity as a student at Yale University when he created a marketing peace of himself – a video, titled Impossible is Nothing, where he summed up his view on ‘success' and showcased some of his athletic pursuits. He received his share of mockery from kids in the bloggosphere, [That's us!] but more notably, was featured in NY Times, interviewed by Yale herald, and appeared on MsNBC News and 20/20.....Aleksey Vayner's story is one of discipline and perseverance thought the hardships of immigration. The youngest of three siblings, Aleksey is born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan to Ph.D. parents. His father, abusive to the family, indulges in hobbies that included professional rock climbing, Olympic-level swimming, and skiing.

His sister had hepatitis. He was eating trash. Then he got into Yale. And now, apparently he wrote a book called Millionaires' Blueprint to Success: Discover the Secrets of Wealthy elite. It's "comming soon..." but Amazon never heard of it. Anyway! We return to New Haven. It's freshman year. Vayner is on the cusp of failure.

During freshman year he recalls nearly failing introductory macroeconomics because he was up for 3 days developing a high probability derivative strategy based off of the Black-Scholles options pricing model. "It was crazy, I could really create options spreads to hit the wings of the bell, and take profits with an average probability of 96%!" While at Yale University Aleksey picked up ballroom dancing and weight lifting, but maintained his focus on his core sports, and his extracurricular studies of investment management and personal development. By graduation he has competed in ballroom, leg pressed 1650lbs, bench pressed 520lbs, started 3 businesses and a non-profit organization. Aleksey Vayner is a registered investment advisor with Securities and Exchange Commission. He is pending Certified Financial Planner and Certified Financial Analyst certifications. Aleksey is a member of USTA, ISBDF, ADFPF, SCIP, National Association of Public Speakers, and National Writers Association.