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In the UK Times, a journalist leads the puff piece into new depths with a profile of Ivanka Trump, the "vice president of real estate development and acquisitions" at the family company. Donald's daughter, as you'd imagine, has some valuable advice for women in the workplace. You might want to take notes.

"So, how does Ivanka manage being a twentysomething girl in a world dominated by fiftysomething men? "I'm a girlie girl," she says. "I'm not afraid to be feminine, to wear pink to the office. But there is a line to be drawn—I see it all the time, if people get a little too cute—there's something about leveraging what you've got and your feminine wiles, but not to the point where you're doing yourself a disservice."

Another way to climb the corporate ladder, says Ivanka, is to slut it up on the covers of lad mags:

"Somebody may dismiss me because I'm young, blonde or female, but that can be used to one's advantage. Look at all this stuff," she says, pointing to the endless framed magazine covers of herself that crowd her office walls. "I joke with my brothers that if they were on the cover of a men's magazine, I don’t know how well it would sell. So, yeah, from that perspective, it's an advantage."

Naturally, it's not all board meetings and conference calls for the fledgling magnate. One day last week she managed to squeeze in a rare photo op, for the 100th anniversary of Milk Bones dog biscuits, along with her Yorkie, Tiger. Hopefully the Trump Organization didn't grind to a total halt in her absence. Video of Ivanka interviewing her dog below.

Ivanka Trump, businesswoman extraordinaire [Times UK]