Made to address rumors that Grey's Anatomy writers' room dartboard pinup-girl Katherine Heigl might not survive the coming season, ABC head Steve

McPherson had this to say: ""She won an Emmy last year, she's a fantastically talented actress,' McPherson says. 'I think it's unfortunate when there's any kind of turmoil on that show. There's so many people who work so incredibly hard to make that show the No. 1 show in the country. I never like to see when any of them take it lightly. She's absolutely staying with the show. There's an unbelievable story line for her next season. Shonda Rhimes is excited about that, she actually crafted it.'" That's good news for Izzie Stevens fans, but doesn't entirely rule out the possibility that this personally crafted storyline won't involve the character being mauled beyond recognition by a freak deer attack while sleeping quietly at home. [James Hibberd's The Live Feed, Photo Credit: INF]