At the tender age of 15, Miley Cyrus has already amassed more money in her ING savings account than most of us will ever see in our lifetimes. It seems that she's also beginning to amass a bit of what we in the business like to call an a-t-t-i-t-u-d-e, too. Just ask gossip maven (and burgeoning longhaired hippie) Harvey Levin, who nearly spits out an entire mouthful of whatever he slurps out of that beloved plastic sippy-cup of his when one of his young, muscular and totally single lieutenants informs him that Hannah Montana herself no longer uses the first grammatical person in her speech. Moments of levity like these, dear readers, are brought to each and every week as part of Defamer's Dirt Sandwich, which is back after a one week holiday hiatus. As always, the piece is packed with nothing but the freshest clips and is crafted with tender loving care by our own Molly McAleer. Take a bite, won't you?