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It's not quadrupled DVD residuals, regular cocaine rations and guaranteed work for all. However, the major studios' new concession to SAG — $10 million worth of new pay raises — is exactly what we thought might happen after SAG bludgeoned nearly 38% of AFTRA voters into opposing its primetime contract. The deal was ratified anyway, but the majors aren't taking any chances, notes Variety:

The AMPTP has told SAG that the pay increases offered in the deal would be retroactive to July 1 as long as the guild can get the deal ratified by its 120,000 members on or before Aug. 15.

News of the incentive emerged Wednesday with the majors prepping contingency plans for declaring the sides to be at an "impasse" should SAG remain unmoved. At that point, if there's no strike, the majors can implement the terms of the "last, best and final" offer that it handed the guild on June 30, as dictated by labor law.

SAG bosses are still expected to reject the offer, smelling blood even as a strike vote is still expected to fall short. Wake us when there's progress.