· You'll likely have many questions after watching the Best Porn Intro Ever. We'll likely not have answers. Still, that doesn't detract from the fact that this is, without a doubt, the best. Porn. Intro. Ever. [YouTube]
· Mark Burnett is being sued for $70 million by Mr. Drummond. Oh wait—that's Conrad Bain. Never mind. [ABCNews.com]
· Ladies and gentlemen: We proudly present the shirtless, out-of-work bartenders who'll be standing around a kitchen island saying racist things on this summer's tenth edition of Big Brother! [Yahoo]
· Something about Madonna's return to gossip bad-girl status has sent her running back into the arms of her former stunt-lesbian tonsil-field-hockey-partner, Britney Spears, for comfort. Britney got a job out of it. [CNN]
· OMGZ! Some of David Lynch's favorite restaurants are some of our favorite restaurants! (Actually we're only sort of feigning surprise. We've seen him sitting outside Figaro about 12 zillion times.) [LAT]
· And finally, a hearty congratulations to our own videostronomer Molly McAleer, named by Urlesque as one of 20 "Bloggers We Want To See In Bikinis." It's her two-piece-rocking world. We just live in it. [Urlesque]