Yesterday, we brought you news of an anonymous "well known author" seeking a $12-an-hour assistant via Craigslist. Kind of like Carrie Bradshaw's on Sex and the City, she explained, but you'll be paying your own taxes, doing "occasional light housework," and commuting up to White freaking Plains. She's been on the Tyra Banks Show, and stipulated that you had to be a girl—woman, whatever—without a criminal background. Through the collective wit and wisdom of the commenters, it was deduced that the author is probably:

Laura Banks! She wrote Embracing Your Big Fat Ass (with Janette Barber and Rosie O'Donnell), which is on Amazon's bestseller list (as noted in her ad) and was on the Tyra show around June 9th.

Anyway! Here's the link to the original ad and requirements; send your resumes (or whatever!) to

Not afraid to be servicey!