Which Of These Comedy Superstars Is Loving Life As A Gay Man?

Ah, the blind item. Is there any other gossip variety that promises so much while risking so little? Damn you, Rush and Molloy, and your mystifyingly anonymous puzzlers, better suited for stenciling along a child's bookcase in a Yuppie House of Mysteries than for print. Nevertheless, out with your Blind Item Decoder Rings, everyone. It's now up to you, the endlessly clever membership of The Official Defamer Detectives Club®, to get to the bottom of The Case of The Gay Divorcé:
Which divorced comic superstar is exploring a groovy new real-life persona: that of an openly gay man?
Our various theories after the jump!
Our first inclination was to assume it was Larry David, who fits squarely into the category of "divorced comic superstar," and who, let's face it, just seems a lot less tortured lately and entirely too preoccupied with the new Madonna album. But then there's that word: "groovy." It really seems out of place, suggesting to us it's some sort of clue or tip-off. Then it struck us like a lightning bolt: Eddie Murphy once had a radio hit with "Party all the Time," a groovy jam with groovy lyrics like "She lets her hair down/she lets her body down: She lets her body/she lets her body down." Congratulations, Eddie Murphy, on your new life as an openly gay divorced comedy superstar!