When we reported on comedian George Carlin's death last night, we posted one of our favorite Carlin clips, and the commenters responded in kind. Watching the clips, posted below, one can't help but feel that the foul-mouthed, political firebrand Carlin had some hand in paving the way for other "angry" funny men like Lewis Black, Bill Maher, and even Michael Moore. An iconoclast at every opportunity, Carlin was vicious and biting but also, in some sneaky sly way, a bit kind. Enjoy that perfect, sour (and already missed) cocktail after the jump.

The famous "7 Words You Can't Say on Television." Carlin was an ardent champion for filthy mouths everywhere.

"Religion is Bullshit" One of Carlin's favorite punching bags, the organized delusion of religion.

Carlin on abortion. "How come when it's us it's 'an abortion,' but when it's a chicken it's an omelet?"

Carlin on the icky "No Child Left Behind" legislation and the tyranny of America.

George on language, another of his favorite topics. Toliet paper became bathroom tissue. Car crashes became automobile accidents. Etc.

Rape can be funny!

From the same show: the Feminist Blowjob.
What did we miss?