Leon Loves Little Laddie Ladies

Is baby-daddy Carlos Leon a lover of little ladies who look like little laddies? Two stalkers seem to think so. Also, is he a cheapskate?
Sighting No. 1, Monday afternoon:
I just saw the original sperm donor aka carlos leon at Broadway and Spring with a girl that looked very much like a boy. Overly skinny platinum colured very short hair, did not look very attractive to me at all walking around soho on broadway and spring. They both looked like they were on some kind of dieting competition since both of them looked extremely thin. I assume carlos likes women that are very manly/menly considering madonna has very strong arms as well. The girl looked like she was a little boy. Very overly drugged up skinny, not attractive and carlos leon looked overly skinny with sunken cheeks. He just did not look like he was doing well at all. He looked very depressed and tired.
Sighting No. 2, Monday night:
I saw Carlos Leon at Socialista last night. Please someone tell me why is it that everytime I go to socialista I see Carlos Leon, the douche bag, hanging out by himself luring at girls that look like little boys. He never gets a table or buys any drinks.
Send in your sightings of douchebags and wannabes, celebrities and celebutards, to stalker@gawker.com. Include the exact time, date and location so we can, you know, map 'em.