Oh Shia LaBeouf. That actor who we find so mysteriously over-hyped has landed himself in a bit of hot water. A video surfaced a couple of days ago on YouTube of a younger LaBeouf drunkenly calling his friend a 'faggot' and telling the kid to slap him. He does, in fact, get slapped and it is very satisfying. Then the videographer (Roger Deakins, we assume) urges Shia to take another shot of tequila. Now Shia is telling us that he's sorry.

Shia's publicist spoke with E! Online and said that LaBeouf is "embarassed":

The videotape that is currently being circulated is several years old and captures Shia playing a game among friends in which he uses a derogatory word toward a friend. He regrets having used the word in any capacity and is very embarrassed that this footage is being seen by anyone.

Oh, he's embarrassed. Tough shit, breeder! Boys will be boys, sure, but that's a pretty loaded word and that is definitely some underage drinking. (LaBeouf is now 21). LaBeouf is said to be the next Tom Hanks, but we don't think anything like this ever haunted Hanks. Well if it did, it certainly never ended up on the internet.