We've tried anything and everything — flash cards, spreadsheets, mnemonic devices — to help us keep our Brittanys straight over the years. But bless her heart, Brittany Snow is breaking away from the Murphy/Robertson/Daniel pack with recent stand-out work in Hairspray, Prom Night and now something called On the Doll — "a story of the victims of child abuse, and the pain it visits upon their later lives." Among those pains: a full, NSFW minute of Snow pummeling the shit out of some hapless dude's balls, establishing the rising star once and for all in the canon of serious, gonad-smashing actresses of her era. Congratulations to her, and best wishes for a quick rebound from that whole Tinker Bell-firing thing. What? Fuck. Sorry, we swear we'll get them straight eventually. [On the Doll]