We stumbled onto the words of an angry, succinct blogger who calls himself Blognigger; he's black and a software engineer and lives in Park Slope. He's at the forefront of several wars: he's black in America, and in a mostly-white neighborhood, which he will soon have to leave: "I make $106,000 a year, and I'm a pauper in Park Slope. No, literally - we have to leave. I have two kids and my rent has just been raised to $3500 a month. I've lived here since 1999 (when 5th avenue was still a total shithole), and now I'm going to have to uproot my family and move out of brooklyn... I can't afford to live here anymore without my wife doing online surveys and shit to supplement our income." But what are his thoughts on the Real World decamping to downtown Brooklyn for their upcoming season?

"I absolutely can't believe that they're going to put these United Colors of Benetton kids into a high-rise in the middle of downtown brooklyn. Talk about some post-apocalyptic shit. I grew up BLACK in New York, and even I didn't set foot in Downtown Brooklyn until I was 30..."

Now they got some camera-ready glossy-ass Real Dolls™ living in a rotating health club above where the old Church's fried chicken used to be.

...it's times like this I wish I was a real black guy, a thick darkskinned brotha from east flatbush with a big-ass 'fro pick, instead of my little software engineering over-educated ass, so that I could summon a crew of like-minded ignorant black gentlemen with nothing to live for such that we could go and beat the FUCK out of these little survivor wanabees and take a dump in their hottub."
