Ruh roh. A new generation of New York journalists have already begun to turn on one another. After a reporter from the Columbia Spectator named Alexandria Symonds wrote a nasty couple of sentences about Amanda Lorber, editor-in-chief of Cypress Bay High School's The Circuit and star of the MTV reality series The Paper, she got totally Lorbered in an angry email that Amanda sent in response. Go Amanda! Now friends of Symonds are out for revenge against writer Molly Jane Rosen, who originally published Lorber's snappy missive on Daily Intel.

They're making up some crazy rumors that Rosen dated someone from the teen splooge-fest Superbad, and they're going to send us fake tips emails about it! Rosen writes to us:

My ex-boyfriend is really pissed off at me for writing a feature you guys featured today from Daily Intel (I wrote the piece about Amanda Lorber on NY Mag - he's pissed off because the other girl featured, Alex Symonds, is his close friend). Said ex-boyfriend threatened "Gawkering me back" with this stupid story/email he made up about me dating one of the guys from Superbad. I just wanted to pre-emptively email you guys saying that if you get any tips from Columbia students about this, they're not true. I didn't date any of the guys from Superbad; this is just a stupid inside joke they want to use to get some "karmic revenge" on me for being an opportunist and getting paid to write for the Intel Blog (gasp!).

Nefarious! But, wait. Why is dating someone from Superbad a bad thing? More importantly, why are all the sad young literary reporter kids suddenly attacking each other? And is there some reign of retaliative terror at the student-staffed Spectator? Someone fill us in!

(For the record, we currently support Lorber/Rosen.)