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Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told the D6 conference crowd that Facebook is about allowing people to "share information and share themselves." British 16-year-old Jodie Hudson took the lesson to heart. The Times of London reports Hudson posted open invitations to her 16th birthday party on social networks Bebo and Facebook, advertising it as the""party of the year" with "a lot of alcohol [and] an amazing DJ." The party's location? Hudson's parents' $8.7 milllion Spanish vacation home. From across Spain's Costa del Sol, the people came. They didn't behave nicely. One partygoer told the Times:

Somebody said that we were allowed to wreck the house because the birthday girl's parents were getting divorced and there were kids behaving like gangsters from a rap video, throwing stuff around and smashing things. There were chairs, tables, even a TV in the pool.