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It looks like there's nothing anybody can do to stop a fourth installment of the Beverly Hills Cop franchise, which Paramount is reportedly pushing to a 2010 release date and which should finally fulfill that looooong-standing global demand for an Eddie Murphy/Brett Ratner collaboration. But as hammy, craven and sadistic as the project seems at a glance, and although it's likely bound for a dispiriting PG-13 script, we find our tortured souls compelled to give this one a chance; follow the jump for a half-dozen reasons why we could think of worse news to wake up to on a Thursday. Feel free to add your own; we need all the reassurance we can get.

1. Murphy's on-set meltdown when Ratner accidentally calls him "Chris."

2. Paramount can keep its coin. Unlike its distribution deals struck with Marvel Studios and Lucasfilm for its recent blockbusters Iron Man and Indiana Jones 4 (Dreamworks will be long gone by then), Paramount has 100% of the Beverly Hills Cop franchise to itself. Which is important, because early tracking hints this film will gross around $3,260.

3. Bronson Pinchot's inevitable holdout for more money to reprise his role as the gay, pronunciation-challenged art dealer Serge.

4. The unique apocalyptic ring to the words, "Beverly Hills Cop 4: A Film by Brett Ratner."

5. Harold Faltermeyer, a/k/a the Michael Bay of soundtrack composers, can finally have his career back.

6. We don't have to feel quite as bad about our morning drinking habit.

7. The Cannes premiere.